26 April 2015

spreading some internet love

Para ser honesta tenho uma relação amor-ódio com este tipo de posts. Chega o fim-de-semana e a minha feed* de blogs enche-se de links e videos e eu sinto logo stress de tanta coisa para ler. MAS a verdade é que eu passo muito tempo na internet (olhá novidade...) e tantas vezes encontro links interessantes que gostava de partilhar (mas não escrever todo um post sobre isso). Por isso vou experimentar partilhar convosco o que encontro e digam-me se gostam!

To be honest I have a love/hate relationship with this type of posts. It comes the weekend and my blog feed* fills with links and videos and I feel overwhelmed. BUT I do read a lot of interesting stuff (well, that I find interesting anyway) and sometimes want to share it and don't really want to write a whole post about it. So there you go, I'm starting my own link love sharing today! I'll try to keep them short and sweet and let me know if you enjoy it!

100 days of handwriting by kanpai
I discovered #the100dayproject just a couple of days before it started and jumped in. The idea is for you to choose a creative habit and commit to it for 100 days and just see where it will take you! It has started but don't let that stop you! You can even do only 30 days or a week or whatever. Just start if it feel right! I've committed to try 100 days of my handwriting, it's been much harder than I thought but I'm not giving up! You can follow my hashtag #100daysofhandwritingbykanpai on my instagram.

This talk on Creative Mornings by Elle Luna, the creator of the #100dayproject.

This project reminds of a much bigger project I found last year: a year of creative habits by artist Crystal Moody! So inspiring!

I don't really need it but I'm in love with this small bag.

Beautiful envelopes. Need to step up my game!

Here is a nice team building project!

Love this analog memory desk.

And a funny (and real!) description of a day with a newborn.

* I use feedly, what about you? i found it to be the one closest to my beloved rip google reader.

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