31 May 2015

spreading some internet love

Arsenal won the FA Cup again this year and it's parade day! Streets are closed to traffic and the players drive through the streets to the fans cheers and applause! This photo is from last year, because this year we are all sick and tired at home...

I kept seeing this vintage style posters in a few places in our recent trip to the USA and I really like them.

This book seems interesting...

Beautiful photographic project from brian w. ferry (love love all his work)

"The oddly obvious thing I need to be reminded of"

My dad was in town and brought this lovely book (as a gift to a friend's daughter) and I think it's brilliant. I should do a sole post dedicated to Planeta Tangerina.

And that's it! Have a lovely Sunday beautiful people!

1 comment :

ana said...

Também gosto muito do estilo destes vintage art posters americanos, que são super populares nos postais! :)

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