01 November 2015

spreading some internet love (and I'm joining #naphopomo)

Autumn in London is so pretty!

Some things that caught my attention recently:

What cute stickers! Want. Want. Want.

Nobody cares how hard you work. True.

How many planets do you need to sustain your lifestyle? I need 2.6 gulp! Need to do something about this!

Loved these personal journals by Moleskine.

Ha ha ha, hilarious! Plastic Bags of New York

Loved this interview and his project: Scott Patt. Bigger. Smaller. Funnier. #inspiration


And on another news: This is a probably ridiculous attempt but would be amazing: I'm joining Xanthe and others on #nablopomo in a photography version #naphopomo! It's basically committing to post daily during November... Argh, it will be difficult but let's give it a try. I'll start by updating my Project 52 which has been lingering since July...

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