To reach California we decided to take the train. I first read about the Coast Starlight train (that's the name of the connection between Seattle and Los Angeles) through Jordan's Oh Happy Day blog and being a train travel lover marked it in my "one day..." list of travels. So when the opportunity came we jumped on board (pun intended). A lot of people say it's not really worth it because tre train goes iland through Oregon state and north California, the journey is quite long (24h to San Francisco, 35h to Los Angeles). Nothing that really bothered us!
Como viajámos com o bebé pagámos por uma cabine-cama (roomette) que era absolutamente minúscula, nem consegui fotografar. Duas cadeiras frente a frente que se transformavam numa cama e outra cama por cima tipo beliche. Tudo muito apertado mas a vantagem do comboio é que há tanto para explorar pelas carruagens. O comboio tem dois restaurantes, um bar, um cinema (que não vimos porque fomos dormir cedíssimo com o bebé) e o meu favorito uma carruagem panorâmica (foto acima) onde passei bastante tempo a ver a paisagem que era linda. Sim, não vimos vistas fantásticas sobre o oceano mas passámos por rios, campos, montanhas e eu achei a paisagem lindíssima. E há algo de meditativo em poder sentar e olhar pela janela a ver o mundo a desfilar lá fora...
As we traveled with the baby we paid for a cabin bed (roomette) in the sleeper car which was absolutely tiny, I could not even take a decent photo of it. Two facing seats that turned into a bed and one bunk bed above. All very very tight but the train's biggest advantage is that there is so much to explore. The train has two restaurants, a bar, a cinema (we didn't see because we went to sleep really early with the baby) and my favourite: an observation car where I spent some time watching the beautiful scenery. So yes, while it wasn't amazing ocean views I found the landscape really beautiful, as we rode through rivers, fields and mountains. And there is something meditative in being able to sit and look out the window watching the world go by outside ...

Para quem viaja em cabine as refeições estão incluídas e são servidas em dois restaurantes (não percebi muito bem porquê dois e porque é que um tinha muito mais escolha que o outro). A comida não era fenomenal mas é uma sensação fantástica tomar uma refeição à mesa num comboio em andamento. O pequeno-almoço enquanto o sol nascia foi mágico.
For those traveling in the sleeper car meals are included and are served in two restaurants (didn't quite understand why two and why one had much more choice than the other). The food was not phenomenal but ok and it's a fantastic feeling to dine at the table on the running train. The breakfast as the sun rose it was absolutely magical.

As camas são preparadas pela assistente de cabine enquanto jantávamos (luxo!). Como partilhei a minha cama com o bebé não dormi muito bem com o terror de o esmagar involuntariamente na cama minúscula mas achei a cama comfortável. E a verdade é que de manhãzinha quando saímos em Emeryville (estação de onde se faz a ligação a São Francisco) achei que a viagem tinha sido curta!
Beds are prepared by the cabin attendant while we were having dinner (luxury!). As I shared my bed with the baby I didn't sleep very well afraid of unintentionally crush him in the tiny bed but found the bed comfortable. And the truth is that when we left at Emeryville early in the morning (station that connects to San Francisco) I thought the journey had been too short!
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